Westerns from the East - Fatal Error
Westerns from the East

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Original title: Tödlicher Irrtum
GDR, 1969, color, 103 min.

DIRECTOR: Konrad Petzold
SCRIPT: Günter Karl, Rolf Römer
CAMERA: Eberhard Borkmann
MUSIC: Wilhelm Neef

Gojko Mitic, Armin Mueller-Stahl,  Annekathrin Bürger, Krystyna Mikolajewska, Kati Bus

Windriver City, 1896. The Wyoming Oil Company illegally drills for oil on Indian territory. The Indians feel the rapture as well for they live in poverty. Their naïve conviction, the whites would be honest partners proves to be a fatal error. The young Chief Shave Head and his half brother Chris Howard, desperately fight for the tribe’s rights.

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